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Norway Insurance

Norway has a vast network of insurance companies offering Norway auto insurance, Norway home insurance, Norway life insurance and other non-life insurance covers for the residents and the people working Norway. Norway insurance sector is greatly developed with many British companies operating in the country. Various insurance companies offering nationwide insurance have made insurance sector quite competitive to obtain competitive quotes. In case of a mishap, insurance agents, offering agency insurance, help in claims as well to their customers. The Norwegian Insurance scheme covers all residents and other people working in Norway under its insurance scheme. It provides insurance cover to the eligible ones for old age, survivors and disability. It also entitles individuals for claims against accident cases, illness, pregnancy, single parent family allowance as well cash benefits to families with children. If you are holding a Schengen visa, you can take a comprehensive insurance cover as Europe travel insurance which is valid in 15 countries. The Schengen countries require visitors, business travellers and tourists to carry health insurance with them while travelling to Schengen countries. There are various plans, covers, options and restrictions while availing Norway travel insurance. Check for competitive quote for insurance before travelling to Norway. Different insurance companies offer different Norway travel insurance quote depending upon your requirements. Norway insurance offers variety of covers for all types of customers. However, if you are travelling to Norway or living abroad and have questions, you can get in touch with National Office for Social Insurance Abroad to know about the benefits or eligibility for taking an insurance cover in Norway. Students studying in Norway need to carry European insurance card with them to avail benefits of insurance cover in the country. If you do not have the European insurance card then you need to have form E-111/E-128 which can be obtained in your home country. It entitles you for claiming any health benefits while you are studying in Norway and covers you under the National Insurance Scheme of Norway. On the other hand, if your duration of stay in Norway exceeds one year then you automatically get covered under the national insurance scheme in the country. Students from UK and Ireland need to show their passport to receive free medical treatment as the UK has not implemented the EU insurance card till date. Alternatively, students from Nordic countries like Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland are automatically covered under the National Insurance scheme in Norway due to existing conventions between Nordic countries. Norway Accidental Insurance for Factory Workers also applies to other professions which included sickness benefits, old-age benefits, benefits to widows and single mothers, unemployment benefits, disability benefits, etc. People were earlier taken care by individual parish, family or the local church. However, growing economy and industrialisation along with weakening family ties has now closely linked insurance services with the social services for the people. Currently Norway insurance is financed by membership fees paid by employees, self-employed individuals and other insured parties along with funds allocated by the government for insurance sector. Payments to any individual covered under National Insurance scheme of Norway is determined by the number of pension points accumulated by him.